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Saturday, March 8, 2025 | YogaStory, Bentonville, AR
a process-dance grief community
Led by Anna and Paul Peterson

​Come experience Hygiene for your Soul! We’ll tend to our beings in ways our ancestors knew to be wise.
​This is an opportunity to allow emotions/expressions/experiences that may have gotten frozen in our system to be felt more fully (“liberated”) so that they can complete their cycle and aid us in the evolution of our beings, as our vibrant, free, and integrated self emerges more fully. Using breath, awareness, dance/movement, sound, grief ritual, and the “sudden village” of the other participants, we’ll journey through an experience of connecting, unwinding, releasing, and renewing.
+ We meet the second Saturday of every month.
​+ 6pm - 9pm at Yoga Story in Bentonville, AR.
+ $30 - ish via Venmo (If you need scholarship, please reach out. If you want to pay more to support scholarship, thank you!)
+ Cohort option (see below for details)
+ Register by filling out this Consent Form
+ 13 participants max. per session / cohort
Cohort Option:​​
Our "Liberate Cohort" is a commitment to attending at least four of the next five sessions (March - July). It includes a Zoom meeting a few days after each session for further support and integration, as well as being on a group chat for sharing and support.​​
Deeper Description of Monthly Sessions:​​
Thank you for reading this. In an effort to prepare your mind and body for something that you may not be used to or may seem a bit daunting, I invite you to read the following deeper description of “Liberate”.
We have three invitations to extend that feel important to the process:
The first is an acceptance of grief as a vital part of our wholeness as human beings. Many of us were not given space to grieve as children and don’t currently have space to communally grieve. This is a space for connecting to the grief and feelings that we haven’t been able to process. Our bodies are incredible and hold on to the energy of experiences and feelings that we don’t have the ability to process in that moment. But they can get stuck in us, freezing into restrictions in body and mind. Community, ritual, and embodiment practices are some of the ways to help melt, liberate, and integrate this energy so that it can flow in supportive ways. Now, we will also only be together for three hours. Knowing this, we invite you to tap into any grief or feelings that seem appropriate for this amount of time. Also, know that some days your grief/feelings feel intense and on the surface, and some days they may feel less intense. You may be the big griever, and you may not be, or something in between. It is all good and right, whatever happens.
The next invitation is a surrendering to the process the evening's journey takes—traveling “the U”. Imagine following the shape of the letter down—this is the unraveling, the “letting go” portion of our time together. Then the shape of the letter hits the bottom and stays there for a little while—this is letting ourselves hit the bottom of our feelings, the “letting be” portion of our time together. Then the shape of the letter starts to move up—this is the natural rising up, the “letting come”, the emergence of the “how are you now?” portion of our time together.
The last invitation is one of bringing your adult care-giver self, your witnessing capacity to your experience. This is a mature capacity—allowing yourself to feel what you are feeling (you might tap into what feels like younger, less mature frozen energy), and also stepping into your adult care-giver presence, where you witness and validate what you are feeling, and you are aware of what you need and how to take care of yourself, while respecting the rest of the group's experience. (If you need to step out during the experience, know that you are welcome to do so.)
Here are some details about how the journey unfolds:​
Each event will begin with participants removing their shoes and stepping over the threshold into the space. (We like to think of this as entering the sacred cave or womb—where we are held to do the deep work of transformation.)
Mats and blankets will be placed in a circle around a bowl of water in the center, which will be used later, and you can find a spot to sit that feels best to you.
We’ll start off with a welcome and introduction to the journey we’ll take that evening. We’ll sing a welcome song and drop into a short meditation. Then we’ll pass around a basket full of rocks and anyone who wants to can share who they are, where their ancestors are indigenous to, and what brings them here. They can take a rock (or few) that represents what or who they are journeying with/grieving that evening.
We’ll then drop deeper into the body and breath with Paul leading us through grounding exercises and meditative body scans and sensation awareness.
Anna will lead us in deepening into ritual through invocation, humming, and song, reclaiming our connection to nature and sound. We’ll connect more deeply with our intentions and what is coming up for us.
Then we’ll flow into intuitive movement, continuing to unravel and melt the frozen energy as we move down “the U”. We’ll take a song or two to explore and meet what might be showing up as resistance for you, and deepen into whatever is unraveling for you. We’ll have time to share more deeply what/who we are journeying with by taking turns placing our rocks in the bowl in the center, sharing out loud with the group if you wish.
We’ll continue to embrace and move with any feelings and grief that may have arisen and are seeking expression, but that we often hold back. We’ll take space to attend to these in embodied ways — moving, pounding, yelling, primal screaming, crying, etc. Anger is also something we are often not allowed to feel as children, but is important protective energy to honor, and everyone’s expression of it may look different. If it would feel supportive to have someone be right with you and witness your “no’s” or anger or grief, etc., Paul or I will be available.
We’ll keep the liberated energy flowing with shaking and free movement, integrating, as we begin to move back up “the U”.
Eventually, we’ll move into some joyful community dancing and yoga flow, then a wind down, and a good long rest.
As we move towards the end of our time together, we’ll take time for anyone to share their experiences and/or what they are feeling. Then we’ll wrap up with some singing and gratitudes.
Attending this event, you acknowledge that you are responsible for taking care of yourself. Stepping into your adult care-giver presence, you are aware of what you need and how to take care of yourself while respecting the group experience. If you need to step out during the experience, know that you are welcome to do so. If you need a hug or comforting touch from another human being, know that you can request that from the facilitator and/or their assistants.

"The sheer weight of these personal and collective sorrows is enough to crush our hearts, forcing us to turn away and find solace in anesthesia and distraction. When we come together, however, and share these stories of sorrow in grief rituals, something begins to change.
When our sorrows are witnessed and held within a community of compassion, grief can surprisingly turn to joy, to a love emboldened for all that surrounds us. Love and loss have been eternally entwined. To acknowledge our grief is to free our love to fall outwards into the waiting world. Something is stirring in the depths of the times. Our collective denial appears to be cracking. We can no longer deny the fact that the world is radically changing. We sense in our bones the breakdowns occurring and, along with it, our hearts feel weighted with grief.
It may be our shared sorrows, stirred by our love of this singular, irreplaceable planet, that will ultimately activate our communal commitment to respond to the rampant denigration of the world. Robin Wall Kimmerer writes, “If grief can be a doorway to love, then let us all weep for the world we are breaking apart so we can love it back to wholeness again.”"
– Francis Weller